Food 3

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Focus 1 – Proteins

We research and invest in the following sub-categories;

  • Insect Farming; fly, cricket and worm breeding offer interesting nutritious benefits. Insects can be used as alternative in aquaculture feed to wild fish   
  • Algae Harvesting, pure cultures of one type of algae offer best commercial outcome. Migroalgae can be used as nutrient, for cosmetics and for chemicals. 
  • Lab Grown Meat, Milk, Poultry and Fish, cellular agriculture is clean, controlled and highly sustainable. We focus on 3 factors; Price, Convenience and Taste   
  • Meat & Shrimp Alternatives, plants can offer the same protein level as meat. Alternatives need to look, cook and taste like meat while being priced equivalently   
Meat, egg and dairy sector represents a $700bio global market
Reports suggest the aquafeed market to be worth $120bio by 2020
2018 should be the year farmed fish reaches 50% of human fish diet
Aquaculture feeds wild fish (in large quantities) to farmed fish
Yearly meat consumption to reach 37kg by 2030 (28kg currently)
Americans eat 120kg of meat per year while Brits only 80kg
The efficiency with which animals convert grain intake to body mass varies greatly:
Cattle 7kg grain intake to 1kg body mass
Pig 4kg grain intake to 1kg body mass
Poultry 2kg grain intake to 1kg body mass
Fish <2kg grain intake to 1kg body mass